Evening Pathways & PDUs

In Person

When: Evening Pathways & PDUs occur from 6p-8p on the 3rd Monday of every month (except December, June, and July)

Skybox Lounge at Top Golf - 1600 Desert Surf Cir NE, Albuquerque, NM 8710

NOTE:  We will upload your PDUs for you

Cost: $25 RGC members / $35 non-members / $20 students
PDUs: 1.0-1.5
Contact: VP for Programs (programs@pmirgc.org)
Register: See our Calendar of Events to register
If you have any issues with registering, please contact technology@pmirgc.org

Noontime Knowledge



When: Typically, once per month on a Friday from 12p-1p.Note:  These are being scheduled ad-hoc for the moment.

A Zoom link will be provided after registration is completed.

NOTE: We will provide you a claim code for self-reporting your PDUs

Cost: Free to RGC Members; $15 for non-RGC members; free for students
PDUs: 1
Contact: programs@pmirgc.org
Register: Register using our Events Calendar
If you have any issues with registering, please contact technology@pmirgc.org

Book Club
